There are two factors at work here: first, although treating water with Biotite Concentrate will quickly reduce or completely eliminate any questionable substances in the water, there could be a cloudy opaqueness in the water or some other contamination that’s not readily apparent. If there is contamination, it will usually settle to the bottom. Second, the creation of the opaqueness and the settling do take some time, depending on 1) how many contaminants are in the water, and 2) how much of those contaminants the water has. Although the treated water will be decontaminated within a few minutes or less, it may have a cloudy look. Some people don’t care about this and just drink the water. Others prefer to wait until the cloud settles and in many cases, because a person is using the concentrate as well as our gravity-fed filter system, there’s no need to wait. However, all of these things are, to a large degree, determined by the initial quality of the water. If it is clean, or more or less so before being treated, then the clouding may not occur. However, there are many other instances where water is not clean even though it looks like it is. Even chlorine, which is found in most municipal water supplies around the country but is colorless, is, from the perspective of pure water, a contaminant, and Biotite Concentrate will clean that up too, changing the chlorine (a gas) into chloride salts (particulates) which will precipitate out and fall to the bottom.
Some people prefer to wait until the sediments completely settle and then pour off the clean water but if the water was initially of poor quality, then it’s going to take as much as 24 hours or even longer before the sediment falls to the bottom, at which point, you can decide what you’d like to do–pour off the rest of the water, use a filter system to eliminate the sediments, pour the sediments on houseplants or in the garden or drink them since they’re inert and harmless.
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