Mineral Mountain Salt® contains natural essential minerals derived from an ancient sea bed deposit. Having been subjected to heat and pressure under the Himalayan Mountains for 250 million years, its structure has formed into a perfect crystal, the way coal becomes a diamond.

Unlike common processed table salt, which has just two elements, sodium and chloride, Mineral Mountain Salt®  contains a balanced blue print of up to 72 minerals, trace minerals and elements, which form the basis of all life.

Mineral Mountain Salt® is uniquely mined for quality and purity. It is free of heat processing, has no additives, and no preservatives.

Mineral Mountain Salt

MMS 1.1 lb Fine Ground

Mineral Mountain Salt



Salt Shaker 3.5 oz

Mineral Mountain Salt



Salt Krystal Rocks 1lb

Mineral Mountain Salt



Salt Scrub Bar

Mineral Mountain Salt



Krystal Salt Lamp (Small)

Mineral Mountain Salt



Krystal Salt Lamp (Medium)

Mineral Mountain Salt



Krystal Salt Lamp (Large)

Mineral Mountain Salt



Krystal Salt Lamp (X-Large)

Mineral Mountain Salt



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