Power 3+ includes these key ingredients
Spirulina is an amazing micro-algae containing more calcium than mother’s milk, more protein than meat (between 50-70 percent total), also containing all the essential amino-acids, and is up to 90 percent digestible by the body, giving it a very high protein efficiency ratio. Spirulina also includes B Vitamins, with exceptionally high B-12 (four times as much as raw liver), Vitamin K and many others. B-12 is especially important for vegans since it’s main sources are found in animal products.
The important phytopigments: phycocyanin, chlorophyll, and abundant carotenoids are also part of spirulina’s make-up. The minerals: calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium, manganese, potassium and zinc are found in impressive percentages in spirulina. Spirulina is also rich in natural organic iodine, found to be important for proper thyroid and adrenal function. Iodine is also one of the nutrients deficient in most of the North American population.
Wild spirulina grows in the alkaline lakes of Mexico and can be found on the African continent as well. Today it’s commercially grown all over the world.
Spirulina, a well known blue-green cyanobacteria micro-algae, dates back over three billion years. Spirulina boasts over 60% protein, complete with all eight essential amino acids, similar to Klamath blue green algae.
“Spirulina is a natural, easily assimilated complete protein. It’s one of nature’s highest source of chlorophyll pigment, rich in such chelated minerals as iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, and magnesium, a fine source of vitamin A and B-complex vitamins, and it contains phenylalaine, which acts on the brain’s appetite center to decrease hunger pangs – while also keeping your blood sugar levels at the proper level.” Earl Mindell’s “Vitamin Bible”
Most of the important vitamins are found in spirulina. It stimulates the immune system to produce new blood cells promoting a healthy immune system.
The organic spirulina in our POWER 3+ is highly digestible and assimilable, because its cell wall contains no cellulose, but instead is a soft mucopolysaccharide. People with digestive difficulties find Spirulina a valuable food source. Dieters value spirulina for its low fat, sugar and calorie content, while still feeling physically and nutritionally satisfied.
Research studies have shown that Spirulina has many beneficial disease preventing properties.
This amazing micro-algae contains phycocyanin, widely known as a blood builder, and it also shows potent anti-viral activity. Other powerful pigments in Spirulina are high levels of Chlorophyll, and the orange-yellows of Carotenoids and Beta-Carotene. Spirulina amazingly, has eight times the Vitamin A (Beta-carotene) found in Klamath Blue Green Algae(AFA). Chlorophyll helps the body to produce more red blood cells, which increases the amount of oxygen and nutrients, which reach the cells.