Power 3+ includes these key ingredients

Our Spirulina is Certified Organic, and of the highest quality available on earth!

Spirulina is an amazing micro-algae containing more calcium than mother’s milk, more protein than meat (between 50-70 percent total), also containing all the essential amino-acids, and is up to 90 percent digestible by the body, giving it a very high protein efficiency ratio.  Spirulina also includes B Vitamins, with exceptionally high B-12 (four times as much as raw liver), Vitamin K and many others. B-12 is especially important for vegans since it’s main sources are found in animal products.

The important phytopigments: phycocyanin, chlorophyll, and abundant carotenoids are also part of spirulina’s make-up. The minerals: calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium, manganese, potassium and zinc are found in impressive percentages in spirulina. Spirulina is also rich in natural organic iodine, found to be important for proper thyroid and adrenal function. Iodine is also one of the nutrients deficient in most of the North American population.

Wild spirulina grows in the alkaline lakes of Mexico and can be found on the African continent as well. Today it’s commercially grown all over the world.

Spirulina, a well known blue-green cyanobacteria micro-algae, dates back over three billion years.  Spirulina boasts over 60% protein, complete with all eight essential amino acids, similar to Klamath blue green algae.

“Spirulina is a natural, easily assimilated complete protein. It’s one of nature’s highest source of chlorophyll pigment, rich in such chelated minerals as iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, and magnesium, a fine source of vitamin A and B-complex vitamins, and it contains phenylalaine, which acts on the brain’s appetite center to decrease hunger pangs – while also keeping  your blood sugar levels at the proper level.” Earl Mindell’s “Vitamin Bible”

Most of the important vitamins are found in spirulina. It stimulates the immune system to produce new blood cells promoting a healthy immune system.

The organic spirulina in our POWER 3+ is highly digestible and assimilable, because its cell wall contains no cellulose, but instead is a soft mucopolysaccharide.  People with digestive difficulties find Spirulina a valuable food source. Dieters value spirulina for its low fat, sugar and calorie content, while still feeling physically and nutritionally satisfied.

Research studies have shown that Spirulina has many beneficial disease preventing properties.

This amazing micro-algae contains phycocyanin, widely known as a blood builder, and it also shows potent anti-viral activity.  Other powerful pigments in Spirulina are high levels of Chlorophyll, and the orange-yellows of Carotenoids and Beta-Carotene. Spirulina amazingly, has eight times the Vitamin A (Beta-carotene) found in Klamath Blue Green Algae(AFA). Chlorophyll helps the body to produce more red blood cells, which increases the amount of oxygen and nutrients, which reach the cells.

Our Organic Cracked-Cell Wall Chlorella is grown in the purest of controlled environments. We are proud to include this outstanding high quality grade Chlorella in our Power 3+ Algae Blend, with its highly digestible and assimilable qualities.Experts say Chlorella is the highest source of chlorophyll, which is well known as a blood builder and stimulator of red blood cells. It also helps to strengthen the immune system.Chlorella is also one of the highest known food sources for nucleic acids RNA and DNA. Nucleic acids are beneficial in repairing damaged genetic material in cells, maintaining health and slowing down the aging processLike the other two algae in POWER 3+, this Organic Cracked-Cell Wall Chlorella is high in protein (60%) rich in essential amino acids, B-complex vitamins including B-12, C, E, K, beta-carotene, and a wide spectrum of minerals.Unique to Chlorella is an amazing healing substance called Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF).CGF is a physiologically activating substance containing a peptide-nucleotide complex, amino acids, polysaccharides, and other derivatives. It has been shown to dramatically accelerate growth in organisms and promote the healing of damaged tissue.We are ALL exposed to toxic chemicals, no matter where we live. Chlorella helps detoxify the body by helping to neutralize and remove poisonous substances such as heavy metals, dioxin, PCB’s and daily radiation from electrical equipment. It binds with them and helps transport them out of the body.It has been found to aid in healthy liver function, and improve digestion by stimulating the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria. It’s the mucopolysaccharides in Chlorella that bind with environmental toxins and carry them safely out of the body.Many people are concerned about heavy metals in algae products. Not only is our Chlorella Organic, but we test every blend for heavy metals, and microbal issues, before it’s bottled. This is a top quality product, which we use ourselves, and we are proud to share with you.
All creatures at the bottom of the marine food chain rely on Marine Phytoplankton. Without these tiny creatures, there would be no life on earth. From the tiniest to the largest of marine creatures, the whales, Marine Phytoplankton is for the most part, the main food on their menu.Marine Phytoplankton was not able to be digested by the human population until now! A process was perfected to break down the protective silicon shells of the phytoplankton. The proprietary processing of this pure blend of phytoplankton makes it a vital nutrient-packed, 100% vegetarian ingredient, in our Power 3+ product.This new proprietary and exclusive harvesting method takes natural marine phytoplankton communities containing a “complete suite” of marine and trace elements, identical to what’s found in the human body, and puts them into a controlled environment. Strict quality control and testing methods ensure the highest quality. It also assures that pathogens, toxins, heavy metals and other contamination are eliminated.The resulting concentrated paste contains hundreds of species of mostly the nutrient rich Bacillariophyceae classification, also called diatoms. This proprietary harvesting method and technology, separates the tough silicate walls of the marine phytoplankton to release the nutrients encapsulated within to the body. This makes the nutrients immediately bioavailable. Without this process, these nutrients would simply pass through the body without the full benefit.Many feel uplifted and energized immediately!After the farm production and harvesting, the Marine Phytoplankton goes to a cGMP certified phytopharmaceutical manufacturer in British Columbia, Canada. Here it’s further concentrated, sanitized and stabilized for safe human consumption.Marine phytoplankton has an unusually broad nutritional profile, thus it contains important nutrients that are not available from any other food source. Phytoplankton nourishes the body at the cellular level, helping to repair any damaged communication between cells caused by a lack of nutrients or a poor diet. Each individual Diatom specie provides a wide spectrum of nutrients including vitamins, amino acids(protein), rare trace elements, minerals, and cellular materials needed to achieve and maintain a healthy and energetic lifestyle.
The Klamath Blue Green algae powder through Power Organics is certified organic by Oregon Tilth, an organic certifying agency.Oregon-Tilth-color-lgRefined dietary supplements may contain a high percentage of a specific nutrient, but if the body cannot absorb it, it’s of no use and can even be detrimental.Klamath Blue Green Algae’s microscopic size and soft cell wall is comprised of a gluco-lipo-protein complex, which is exactly what the body needs to absorb it. This makes its balanced nutrients easily digested and absorbed by the body with very little energy required for digestion.An isolated nutrient, usually cannot be assimilated without the help of other symbiotic or supporting nutrients. It’s the synergistic effect of many different nutrients in balance that affects the rate of assimilation. Algae has one of the most complete and balanced nutritional profiles of any food. Virtually, the entire organism is nutritious, which isn’t a surprise since vast numbers of creatures rely on algae for almost all their nutritional requirements.

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