15 05, 2015

I’ve heard that people can go through a detoxification cycle when they first use Biotite Concentrate. Could you explain that?

By |2018-01-17T13:48:22-08:00May 15th, 2015|, , |

This is a very important point. There is a mistaken idea prevalent in modern cultures that any type of health issue that arises is automatically cause for alarm but this bears closer scrutiny. In fact, “getting sick” is often a simple reaction of the human organism to the inevitable build up of toxic waste materials. Having a tummy ache from overeating is a well known example.
Some of the materials that the body reacts to are generated internally from the normal functioning of glands, organs, muscles and other tissues. Many other wastes, however, are built up from substances found in air, water and food. While the details lie beyond the scope of this article, the bottom line is that engaging in health-building activities such as the use of a water purifier like Biotite Concentrate, can lead to feelings, initially, of light headedness, for example, or headaches or rashes.
Unlike “disease”, all these symptoms pass if allowed to do so. What’s happening is that the body is releasing the accumulated wastes that had built up beyond the point of homeostasis (the balance point that the body maintains) and with the introduction of a new health-restoring modality, whether it be improvements in diet, starting a regular exercise regime or any number of other things, the body, sooner or later, will most likely dump accumulated toxins. Before they exit the organism though, they circulate for a time and when they do, we don’t feel so good. People have reported detoxing symptoms like colds, flus, runny nose, coughing, mucus congestion, lowered vitality, no energy, skin eruptions, sore throat, constipation, diarrhea, etc.
The important thing to remember if experiencing these things is simply that the episode of discomfort will fade away on it’s own. We should certainly not interfere with it, though it might feel unusual to do so since we’re programmed to react by taking pharmaceuticals, running off to the ER and the like. Should we do these things, in all likelihood, we’ll only suppress the symptoms driving them right back into the body and not allowing it to free itself of toxic buildups.
So, once again, if such symptoms come up, it’s best to simply let them have their day and within short order they will all pass and we’ll feel much better than before they arose.
It’s suggested that reading up on this topic can be very helpful. Search the terms, “healing crisis,” “cleansing reactions” and “detoxing.” Here’s an excellent article that goes into considerable depth on the subject: http://www.health-science-spirit.com/healingcrisis.html
15 05, 2015

Does detoxing take a long time?

By |2018-01-17T13:48:22-08:00May 15th, 2015|, , |

It’s not a predictable phenomenon. One person might have a headache that lasts an hour or two, someone else could have a rash that lasts for a few days and then fades out. Because we’re all unique in many ways, the detoxing process is different for each individual, not only in terms of how long a detox will last but also, how intense it is. Depending on many factors like age, diet, exercise regularity and dozens of other parameters, detoxing is very often just a brief phase as the body re-balances itself.

15 05, 2015

I have a very high quality water purification system and when I use Biotite Concentrate on my water, it leaves a slight yellowish stain on the inside of the bottle. Could you explain this?

By |2015-05-15T17:45:11-07:00May 15th, 2015|, |

Although quite rare, in cases where this happens, it’s because the water being treated was already very clean. What’s happening is that some of the sulfate minerals in the Biotite Concentrate are naturally attracted to the glass. This is because really pure water has a pH that is slightly acidic, like 6.7-6.9. When the slight acidity comes in contact with the liquid minerals in the concentrate, the resulting salts are drawn to the glass. The stain is yellowish because the minerals are in a sulfate form and sulfate minerals are yellowish by color. (Sulfur itself is very bright yellow). However, the stain on the glass can be easily removed since it just wipes off. Another option is to use less Biotite Concentrate since you now know that your purification system is doing a really good job. Of course, if you want your drinking water to have a full complement of ionic minerals, you’ll have to decide how much concentrate to use. Again, a bit of experimentation in each situation can bring about a good compromise between pure water and a balance of ionic minerals. After all, Mother Nature always adds other things to water. Some examples: The Great Salt Lake in Utah has ionic minerals in the water, as do the oceans of the world. Mineral springs found in many places around the world also contain an abundance of ionic minerals, and so too, can they be found in high altitude waterfalls and other pristine aquatic environments. To a degree, it’s true to say that Biotite Concentrate is a convenient way to recreate the naturally occurring ions that are present in the waters of the world.

15 05, 2015

I like the idea of having really pure water and then adding in the concentrate. Is that okay?

By |2018-01-17T13:48:22-08:00May 15th, 2015|, |

Yes. Clearing the water of possible contaminants and then adding in the ionic minerals produces high quality water. Some people add the concentrate first and then purify their water. While the concentrate reduces and/or eliminates many harmful pollutants and industrial wastes, having a good quality filter system and Biotite is a great combination. The filtering system removes the contaminants but also reduces the energetic structure of the water. Then adding in the concentrate creates the dynamic structured matrix that re-energizes the water. If you’d like more information on our gravity-fed filtration system, just contact us

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